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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


  I have to apologize for not posting much of anything regarding my favorite women authors yet.  Especially Dorothy Parker!  However, I keep getting bogged down by the high-drama, low-brow condition of the political scene.  We have entered an 'alternate' universe, where Lies are news fodder, and truth isn't transmitted at ALL unless it is 'starving children, cute kittens, or Lindsays' story.  I am considering leaving the country and giving up on seeing intellectual honesty in the 'ascendant' position.  We have gone beyond just pandering to the lowest common denominator, and have erased the value of intelligent discourse in the name of ideology.  The FACTS are no longer enough.  We have been swallowed up in the 'MAW' of noisy stupidity of those who are simply 'losing it' because we have a president who is not WHITE.  Not to mention, smarter than the 'average'.  Of course, considering how successfully our public education system has been GUTTED by the right, that may not be saying much.  When a man with the ability to think in the long term, and speak proper English shows up, these mobs of hate-filled racists start screaming about  'socialism, Islamic, SIMIAN, foreign-born, fascist, take-over by those DAMN LIBRULS!  This is just another version of the KKK, and skin-head militia crew who are REALLY afraid they have lost their POWER.  Of course, They don't realize, they lost it a long time ago.  They lost it to the European bankers, as did we ALL.  We should finally face the truth that our banking system, based on the British model, which was begun by the money lenders, who invented 'fractional lending' have enslaved us ALL.  Every mortgage, every credit card, every tax we pay enslaves us because it makes DEBT inescapable.  The World Bank does not want us to pay OFF our debt.  A country who does not OWE, creates their own prosperity.   So, I say to anyone who reads this.  We should nationalize the Federal Reserve, send the board packing, PRINT OUR OWN MONEY, and pay OFF the debt.  Kick out any bank that charges interest.  Enact a law that OUTLAWS USURY.  By The Way, THAT will eliminate the need for war, and we could greatly reduce our Pentagon, its' contractors, and bring our boys home.  We could then fund our Social Security, Single Payer Health Care, Rebuild our infrastructure, and our educational system, and just closing all those FOREIGN BASES would save enough to pay China EVERY PENNY we owe.  A Simple income tax structure, a strong regulatory bureaucracy, and manufacturing would double in ten years, because people would have real freedom to create, to work, and instantly see the fruits of their labors.  We did this under Andy Jackson, and again under Lincoln.  We need to do it again.